Start Here!

christian lifestyle blogger helping you love your family, home and marriage more

Hey y’all!

I’m so happy you made it here to learn a little more about who is behind this blog.  To start off,  I’m Jenny, a 30-something multi-passionate pastor’s wife  and mother of 2, and now blogger and author.  This blog all began in 2017 when I became a stay at home mom.  During a lonely time, I was searching for a new community.  Since then, I have learned that I had (and still have) community, but different seasons of my life has led to different community.  Bottom line: I love sharing with and encouraging people.  This blog is a way to bring you in on lessons I’ve learned about my faith, my family, my marriage, and my home.

A little more about me.

I am a former public school teacher of 8+ years.  I LOVED my job. And after having our first child, I was able to bounce back quickly and get right back to working.  However, after my husband became a student pastor, baby number two, increasing involvement in church, our community, and school, the life I had lived before became very difficult.  I couldn’t walk in the door at our home without feeling the guilt and mess creep up to greet me.  I was suffocating.  But, like most moms, I powered through.

In January of 2016, my husband and I had a conversation about expectations and our future.  The truth was, I felt like I was miserably failing in my responsibilities as a wife, mother, and educator.  I had a difficult time putting my family first with a profession that required my constant attention, passion, patience, and love.  After voicing my concerns with my him, we came up with a plan for our future that included me being a stay at home mom.  This was something I NEVER thought I wanted for me or our family.

I quickly found out there was nothing “stay” about this job.  It is a demanding job that mostly pays in hugs and kisses (sometimes).  But it has brought me more joy than I ever imagined.  It has allowed me to be available more for my family and still do the things that make me feel like an individual, a real human.  This includes podcasting, home building/decor projects, discipling women in their faith, and this blog!  My husband and I have even found time to write a book.  Check that out here!

Why stick around?

Maybe you relate to being multi passionate, a working mom, a stay at home mom, a DIYer, a frustrated cook, or solution finder.  In this space, I hope to walk you through my pain points of which I have found solutions.  I will teach you lessons I’m learning as a follower of Christ, wife, mom and friend, and share how you, too, can turn your house into a haven you love and can enjoy.

So many ideas floating around in this head of mine, and I can’t WAIT to share them with you.  Thanks for sticking with me on this page, and be sure to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube and live SIMPLY with me!