For the Family

5 Unique Holiday Activities

Unique holiday activities for a couple or family

5 Unique holiday activities you might not have thought of, suitable for you and your significant other or a whole family!

Are you on the hunt for unique holiday activities for you and your family to enjoy this year?  There’s nothing wrong with a tried and true activity that you already love, but sometimes you just want to change things up a bit.  I get it!  These 5 holiday activities are not only unique, but you can do them with just your significant other or a whole bunch of people!  And bonus-most of these activities are free or cost very little.  Read on and choose your unique holiday activity for this year.

Holiday Light Display Scavenger Hunt/Bingo Activity

Unique holiday activities for a couple or family
Photo by Anton Atanasov on

This unique activity is a festive take on one of our favorite date ideas.  We all love a good Christmas light hunt. Instead of just going out to look at all of the hard work your community has put into lighting their homes up, drive with a purpose!  Make a list of all the things you think you will see when you are out (snowman, candy cane, penguin, elf, nativity, you get the idea).  Then head out and check them off as you go.  Make sure to add a few unusual ones for the sake of the hunt!  One year we could not for the life of us find an inflatable snow globe, and we remember it every time we do this activity.  You could even create bingo sheets with your items and make it a game.  

DIY Holiday Mad Libs Activity

Unique holiday activities for a couple or whole family
Image by Simple Life Pastor’s Wife

I’m a former teacher, so I love a good Mad Lib!  If you aren’t familiar with Mad Libs, they are short stories with words that have been removed.  Instead of the word, they give you the part of speech for you to create your own story.  Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, numbers and names are changed to make the story nonsensical and fun.  Make your own festive Mad Lib by taking a popular Christmas song and omitting some of the known words to be replaced.  

Here’s an example:

Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul.  Would be:  

____(person in room)_____ the Snowman was a ____(adjective)____, _____(adjective)____ soul. 

Take turns filling in the blanks and reading them out loud.  This is also a fun activity for just a few or a crowd!

Click here for a free Frosty Game Printable!

Holiday Gifting Activity

Unique Holiday Activities for a couple or family
image by Simple Life Pastor’s Wife

Christmas time is the time for giving.  Choose a neighbor or friend who might need some extra cheer this year.  Buy a poinsettia or make a batch of special treats to deliver them as a family or couple.  Spend an afternoon or evening spreading Christmas greetings and cheer.

Here are some easy gift ideas:


Baked goods or treats


Colored Picture


Bag of chocolates

Holiday Baking Activity

Unique holiday activities for a couple or family
Photo by Jill Wellington on

If baking or cooking is your thing, this is the unique activity to try.  Choose a festive treat or two from another country to make.  Do some research about that country’s traditions and share while you are enjoying your new dish.  Make it a crowd pleaser by inviting a few other families to join you.  Have each family choose a different country and eat treats from around the world in a single sitting.

Holiday Storytelling Activity

We all love a good story.  Reminiscing can be a great way to connect with loved ones.  Spend some time around a fire or flickering candle, set some music in the background and share away.  You can focus on holiday memories or even use the ornaments around your tree to help get the story telling juices flowing.  You could even do this as you decorate your tree.  Add a fun festive treat and you’ve got yourself a sweet time.

If you were looking for a unique holiday activity to try with your loved ones, I hope you were able to find it here.  I’d love to know in the comments if you have any unique ideas that I didn’t mention or tell me your thoughts if you tried one of these.  Merry Christmas!

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